What does a Capiznon have to make it through the Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009? A lot! Definitely a lot. Capiznons have been known for their prowess in sports and their great intellect and skills in mind boggling events. But what about the said race? Since its Capiznons are the participants for this competition, indeed this would be a survival of the fittest. The Capiznons are capable of doing anything they want as long as they put their mind into it. In joining this competition, Capiznons will have to battle it out for the glory. But behind the competition lie the different goals and dreams of bloggers to prove themselves to the world that they are hectic bloggers. But no matter how the competition goes, the winner will still be a Capizeño and that would engrave a significant mark in the history of Capiz. So what are you waiting for? If you are a Capizeño and you think you have what it takes to be a successful blogger join the Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009. Show the world what Capizeños are made out of.